beyond family trauma

A family constellation intensive with focus on the trauma field of the family. 

Family constellation is a beautiful tool to uncover hidden dynamics that entangle us into the destiny of our family.

Often in life we are stuck in feeling unworthy or unable to create healthy relationships and we have difficulties in finding prosperity for ourselves. We wonder what the obstacles are and do not realise that parts of our life energy are still locked in our child consciousness.

In order to survive the child needs to belong to a family. It binds itself through unconditional love into the events of the family field, which often are deeply traumatic.

Instead of moving out we keep repeating the same life pattern like our family. It takes courage to confront the identifications we hold for our family and to challenge the security of our bonding. By acknowledging the powerful love force of the child we can consciously move beyond.

In this process we uncover the different dimensions of relating dynamics in families and relationships

We use family constellation and methods of trauma release to clear the different dimensions inside of us as well as in the family field.

This experience creates a clear understanding of this dynamic and roots us in existence with deep respect to where we come from – without having to fulfil the same destiny anymore.

We can leave the family expectations behind and ask inside for the next movement in our lifes.

information: viktoria(dot)grgurin(at)gmail(dot)com

Weitere Termine:

beyond family trauma beyond family trauma
30. oct. – 2. nov. 25, aumm institute (NL)

ODB training 1 – breathing into a new life ODB training 1 – breathing into a new life
26. may - 2. June 24, fethiye (TR)

ODB training 2 – born in love ODB training 2 – born in love
13. – 20. oct. 24, fethiye (TR)

ODB training 3 - three keys of consciousness ODB training 3 - three keys of consciousness
20. – 27. oct. 24, fethiye (TR)



primal breath

16. - 19. mai 24, miasto (I)

heilung der wurzeln

24. – 26. mai 24, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

26. mai - 2. juni 24, fethiye (TR)

vollblutfrauen teil III

30. mai – 2. juni 24, reichenau/rax (A)

Osho Diamond Breath training

7. - 29. juni 24, miasto (I)


Wenn man bewusster wird, beginnt sich die Welt zu verändern.