beyond woman

In the intimacy of just women working together, we explore the conditioning of woman - that is how society wants us to be, what is expected of us as wives, lovers, daughters and friends. And we look at the natural woman, or the true feminine essence.

Our conditioning goes deep, and it is old, and unconscious. To uncover the mystery of the feminine we use therapy techniques from de-conditioning and systemic constellation work and tantra meditations."

This course has been created by women experiences from working with Osho and the devices he was creating for them to "go beyond being woman". Osho tells us that the woman's conditioning goes deeper than mans because we have accepted it and support it. We will be looking at our conditioning of neediness and wanting to be wanted, and seeing how this keeps us imprisoned. Moving far beyond any women's liberation work, we will be starting with understanding how much of "the mother" has already infiltrated us from our time in the womb.  Work will be done on the collective female conditioning of the roles of motherhood, wife, and geisha. Why did Osho give so much emphasis on trying to help the woman to transcend her conditioning?  Let us together rediscover the intrinsic value of being a woman, and expressing our creativity.

book online here


Weitere Termine:

female creative essence female creative essence
16. – 19. march 23, cologne (D)

beyond family trauma beyond family trauma
15. – 18. feb. 24, Cologne (G)

beyond family trauma beyond family trauma
2. – 5. oct. 25, Cologne (G)



zoom event: abenteuer atem

8. mai 24, online über zoom

primal breath

16. - 19. mai 24, miasto (I)

heilung der wurzeln

24. – 26. mai 24, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

26. mai - 2. juni 24, fethiye (TR)

vollblutfrauen teil III

30. mai – 2. juni 24, reichenau/rax (A)


Der Intellekt ist sehr sehr begrenzt; die Intuition ist unbegrenzt.