

healing the roots

healing the roots

15. + 16. march 25, vienna (A)

Family Constellation is an affective and powerful method to recognize family entanglement in the family of origin as well as in the present family.
location: Seminarzentrum Hyrtlgasse, 1160 Vienna

healing the roots

healing the roots

29. + 30. march 25, vienna (A)

Family Constellation is an affective and powerful method to recognize family entanglement in the family of origin as well as in the present family.
location: Seminarzentrum Hyrtlgasse, 1160 Vienna

healing the roots

healing the roots

23. – 25. may 25, vienna (A)

Family Constellation is an affective and powerful method to recognize family entanglement in the family of origin as well as in the present family.
location: SZ Hyrtlgasse 12, 1160 Vienna

healing the roots

healing the roots

19. - 21. sep. 25, vienna (A)

Family Constellation is an affective and powerful method to recognize family entanglement in the family of origin as well as in the present family.
location: SZ Hyrtlgasse 12, 1160 Vienna

healing the roots

healing the roots

15. + 16. nov. 25, vienna (A)

Family Constellation is an affective and powerful method to recognize family entanglement in the family of origin as well as in the present family.
location: Seminarzentrum Hyrtlgasse, 1160 Vienna

healing the roots

healing the roots

29. + 30. nov. 25, vienna (A)

Family Constellation is an affective and powerful method to recognize family entanglement in the family of origin as well as in the present family.
location: Seminarzentrum Hyrtlgasse, 1160 Vienna


dynamische meditation

jeden montag + freitag, wien (A) + zoom

Osho abendmeditation

jeden sonntag, wien (A) + zoom

heilung der wurzeln

14. + 16. märz 25, wien (A)

ODB training 1 – ins leben atmen

6. - 13. april 25, fethiye (TR)

training systemische aufstellungen

teil IV: 9. – 13. april 25, reichenau/rax (A)

vollblutfrauen teil IV: kreative beziehungsdynamiken

16. - 19. april 25, reichenau (A)


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