
healing the roots

"Create love and forget god.
And one day you will find him everywhere.“


Every child is connected to a family and takes certain roles in the family structure. Every member of the family, including those who are absent through death or separation, are energetically present in the family system and affect other members. Newcomers to the family system, that means the children, become entangled with the fate of earlier members of the family and, without even knowing it, live the life of someone else.
By creating the structure or constellation of the family with the help of other group members, the relationships and operating laws within the system become visible.







Through rearranging the constellation and using simple sentences the therapist supports an inner movement of the members of the family towards a new and healing picture that is more in harmony with a natural order. When this order is followed, all family members feel a great relief and the hidden love begins to flow again freely. Then instead of being a burden, one’s family can be experienced as a source of great strength.

Each participant in this group will have the opportunity to understand and experience family conditioning. We learn also by watching and standing in other participant’s constellations. The process of this work will be made transparent also by explaining key elements of the important dynamics.

Maximum 18 participants doing their constellation, possibility to participate as a representative

Fri:    09:30 am – app. 06:00 pm
Sat:    09:30 am – app. 08.00 pm
Sun:   09.30 am – app. 05.00 pm

costs: 350 € for participants
170 € for representatives

location: SZ Hyrtlgasse 12, 1160 Vienna

info & registration:
Atibha E. Sula: atibha@yahoo.com
or +43 650 269 76 49


healing the roots healing the roots
15. + 16. nov. 25, vienna (A)

healing the roots healing the roots
29. + 30. nov. 25, vienna (A)

healing the roots healing the roots
15. + 16. march 25, vienna (A)

healing the roots healing the roots
29. + 30. march 25, vienna (A)



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Das Herz ist deine Beziehung zur Existenz.